University Partner Guide

To provide fair access to the high-quality world-class education, we collaborate with forward-thinking universities. We build, their vision, mission, goals and objectives into our cloud-based platform, and use latest technology advancements to facilitate our partner university educational services at the home country of our students.
We bridge between the local universities of our international students with their destination North American universities in order to make the most of the learning experience for international students.
Our students, start their first semester and or first year while they are at their home country, through IEP platform and go through the same quality of education of their destination university. Teachers of destination university provide the teaching material while approved teaching assistants of the local university assists the students to ensure maximum learning experience.
We offer, organize and deliver blended (online and class-based) articulation programs in collaboration with our partner universities.
And finally, we unlock opportunities of access to high-quality education for qualified students whom does not have enough fund by enabling them an inexpensive start.

Our target students are in principal one of the following categories:
1. Partially meeting the university admission requirements due to missing pre-requisites such as

2. Eligible to apply directly to the university however, does not have sufficient fund to start at the university

3. Eligible to apply directly to the university however, does require flextime to start their study

We assist our partner universities through our local footprint in global market and provide them global outreach through:

Moreover, we facilitate our partner universities with:

In a nutshell, we help assist the universities to gain following benefits: